Electrician Tulsa l Our Clients Need Updates
Content written for Electric City
Over the next several months you might be getting a call from Electrician Tulsa if your have ever
been a customer of ours. We recently in the last couple of years have really been focusing on
building our database of customers so that we can do less paperwork while we are on the job
which requires you to do less paperwork filling out information that you do several times each
day. This makes our jobs go so much smoother for you and for us. It is so helpful to have our
customers information on file so that we can just look it up instead of repeatedly calling or
asking for your basic information.
So back to the phone call. We are having one of our employees assigned to call our customers
and request their updated information so that we can make sure we can get in touch with you if
we need to. We will as things like what is the best number to reach you at, what is your
preferred name, what is your address, and such questions like that. By calling our customers
and asking such questions, we can get an update of what is the best way to reach you should
we need to or if we needed to cancel an appointment or something.
Some people might be hesitant to give us their information, but we promise that we do not sell
your information to third party companies, or mail out junk mail. We just want to make sure that
your information is correct in case we need to call you about an appointment, or mail you a bill,
or some such thing like that. We can also store your payment options online so that you can
just tell us to bill your account. We also have several promotions each year that can give you
large and major discounts to your electrical needs such as saving 25% on a service call or
something like that. We will at various times throughout the year email everyone a special
savings coupon, but if we don’t have your correct email, you wouldn’t get it.
We also text out specials such as week long promotions for new installations or replacing
existing lights with more energy efficient and brighter LED lights. If we don’t have your current
phone number you would not get this text about our promotions so you would miss out on a lot
of savings. This will benefit you as a person and us as a company. It is a win win situation for
you and Electrician Tulsa.
So when the nice lady calls to ask you for your updated information, don’t be rude or act
insulted. Just give a few minutes of your time to answer as few questions about your existing
and current updated personal information, afterall it is for your benefit too. We promise to never
give any of your information away or sell it to other companies who would use it to make a profit
or sell it to telemarketers.