Content written for Electric City
We all have goals. Whether it is for our career, our personal life, or family, or something else. Goals are a good measure of how successful we are. We can be very successful if we reach our goals. The tricky thing is it’s making our goals attainable. Electrician Tulsa we I think it is important to differentiate between short-term and long-term term goals in order to reach them and still successful.
When you build a business you have to build it with your goals in mind of it being a long time business. Don’t try to build something for a short amount of time and go into it thinking you’ll get out of there in a few years. It isn’t that easy. Most businesses take several years before they are truly successful and sustainable. And even then to keep your company going, you must have long-term goals that ensure that your business will be around as long as you want it to 2.
Some of the goals for electrician Tulsa his to keep our employees happy. We are constantly promoting their ideas if we think they might help an add to our company. We believe in giving them races and praise for a job well done. We believe in positive reinforcement. We also believe in being disciplined. We know that if we expect things from our customers we should also expect those things from her employees.
Another long-term goal is to continue to grow. What started as a one-man electrician business over the past six years has grown into a very successful electrical business that employs several full-time electricians as well as a few part-time office employees. If we want to continue that growth we must continue in our short-term goals so that we will be able to reach our long-term goals of continuing to expand.
Another long-term goal that we have is to possibly one day franchise our Electrician Tulsa company. This would take a lot of work and that we would have to continue to grow at this mall continuous rate. But, if we keep our company growing steadily, then this is a long-term goal that may not be too far off in our future. Of course it would take a lot of work and help him out employees and customers, but it is something that we approved ourselves in the past and we know that we are capable doing.
When we started our company we didn’t ever plan to be around for just a few years. We planned that we would build a company that work last several years or a lifetime and that is the way that you treated everyday. If you want something to last you have to treat it different and you keep working hard no matter what happens. If you do this than more then likely, you will succeed in keeping your business growing and prospering. This will also provide you with great satisfaction.